President’s Report
Since our last newsletter, we have had the Multicultural Expo 2013 on 4th August 2013. This was a highly successful event which was enjoyed by all those who attended. Present was Milessa Lee, MP who has always attended our functions. This time she represented the Minister of Ethnic Affairs who could not attend. Melissa opened the Multicultural Expo 2013. We were delighted to see Dame Susan Devoy who also attended our function. I had intended to invite her to say a few words on her role as Race Relations Counciliator, but due to her mix and mingle with our members, I did not get an opportunity to call her up on the stage. Perhaps next time.
We had 21 performances throughout the afternoon, ably compered by two young ladies, Rez Ricardo and Makanaka Tuwe. This is also the first time we were using our own sound system which was donated to us by the Polish Association. Mr Kevin Crossley, who had kindly checked over the system and purchased a few things that were required, operated the systems for us at the Expo.
We also had a number of display stalls from different groups and everyone had the opportunity to view the things on display. Special mention must be made of Nathan Homestead from Manurewa, who provided the children with materials to make all sorts of things and then take them home. This was highly appreciated by the Society; thank you. We also had three food stalls where people could buy ethnic food.
We look forward to another Expo in 2014. I would like to thank Ana Maria deVos for the time and effort she put in to organise this highly successful Multicultural Expo 2013.
As the president of AMS I was invited to attended the Viva Electrica concert at the Dorothy Winstone Hall on Saturday 31st August 2013. This bi annual concert, once again was highly successful. The quality of the competition was very high as they were competing for a prize money of $7000.00 in total. The guests of honour were Melissa Lee and Dame Susan Devoy. Vivien Chow and her team from ASIANZ should be congratulated.
Our next event will be our Annual Christmas dinner which will be held on Saturday 7th December 2013, so please keep that date free, for us to enjoy the spirit of Christmas with our members and friends.
Best wishes and Tashi Delek